Empowerment and justice are at the core of our mission at My Immigration Hub. We are dedicated to providing comprehensive legal services to victims of crime, offering a lifeline to protection and legal status in the United States through U visas and T visas. Our experienced team of immigration attorneys specializes in U visa and T visa law, providing unwavering support and advocacy to individuals who have endured qualifying crimes.

U Visa: The U visa opens a gateway for victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are willing to assist law enforcement in the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity. It not only provides victims with a path to legal status in the United States but also grants access to crucial support services.

At My Immigration Hub, our attorneys possess a deep understanding of the U visa process and the requirements involved. We are devoted to guiding you through the application, safeguarding your rights, and passionately advocating for your case. From evaluating your eligibility to gathering compelling evidence and meticulously preparing your U visa petition, we provide comprehensive assistance at every step of the way.

T Visa: The T visa extends protection to victims of human trafficking who have endured severe forms of exploitation and find themselves in the United States as a result of trafficking. This visa offers victims legal status, vital protection, and access to critical resources and benefits.

We recognize the immense challenges faced by victims of human trafficking and are resolute in providing unwavering support throughout the T visa application process. Our experienced attorneys will skillfully navigate the intricate requirements, gather the necessary evidence, and prepare a compelling T visa petition that ensures your rights and interests are impeccably represented.

Our U Visa and T Visa services encompass:

Evaluating Eligibility: We meticulously assess your situation and determine if you meet the eligibility criteria for a U visa or T visa. This entails establishing that you are a victim of a qualifying crime or human trafficking and meeting the other requirements outlined in the respective visa categories.

Gathering Compelling Evidence: Our team assists you in compiling the necessary documentation and evidence to support your U visa or T visa application. This may include police reports, medical records, affidavits, and other supporting materials that vividly illustrate the impact of the crime or trafficking on your life.

Collaboration with Law Enforcement: Collaboration with law enforcement agencies is paramount in both U visa and T visa applications. Our attorneys work closely with law enforcement officials to obtain the necessary certifications and secure their support for your application.

Meticulous Visa Petition Preparation: We meticulously prepare your U visa or T visa petition, ensuring all required forms and supporting documents are complete, accurate, and compelling. Our aim is to present a compelling case that vividly highlights the significance of your victimization and demonstrates your eligibility for the visa.

Ongoing Support: Throughout the application process, our dedicated team provides personalized guidance and unwavering support. We keep you informed about the progress of your case, address any queries or concerns, and passionately advocate for your rights and well-being.

At My Immigration Hub, we are steadfast in our dedication to supporting victims of crime and human trafficking on their journey towards healing and justice. We provide compassionate legal representation, ensuring that your voice is heard, and your rights are fiercely protected.

If you have been a victim of a qualifying crime or human trafficking and are seeking legal status and protection in the United States, take the crucial step forward. Contact our firm today to schedule a consultation. Our experienced U visa and T visa attorneys are here to skillfully guide you through the process, provide unwavering support, and help you build a brighter future where justice prevails.

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